Friday 11 November 2011

The U-S is just itching to (have Iran) start a nuclear war

Here is what the U-S State Department wants you to believe.

Iran's hardline, Islamic-based government can only be developing a nuclear energy program for one reason - to propel a nuclear bomb at the Evil Jews who run Israel. And then to take on all other comers who would dare challenge the Ayatollahs for Asian, if not world supremacy.

It would have you believe that Iran is so ignorant and misguided that it doesn't realize there are a dozen nations with thousands of REAL nuclear weapons that could make it disappear in a flash. It also wants the world to accept that it makes no rational sense for Iran's villainous government to want to supply it's 72-million citizens with a cleaner, more efficient form of energy. Or to wean itself off carbon-based fuel. Or to help modernize and diversify.

It insists, without a shred of evidence, that Iranian leadership is, in fact, Doctor Evil - obsessed with a diabolical Armageddon that would wipe Israel off the planet... with only hardy applause from the rest of the world. No other consequences. No other fall out (pun intended). Iran would launch its single missile on the tip of a crude, even obsolete rocket... and that Israel would be helpless to defend itself. Never mind that the West (U-S, EU, NATO and Israel) has satellite cameras that have every inch of Earth under surveillance, especially regions of the planet they consider to be disruptive.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Or believable to rational, thinking people.

We are supposed to all accept, without question, that Iran would be willing to inflict a nihilistic blow on a smaller, neighboring country that has one of the world's most lethal and effective militaries, and which also happens to own 100 to 200 sophisticated nuclear weapons. Not to mention the radiation that would maim and kill Palestinians and Arabs throughout the region.

If you actually are gullible enough to believe this daily tripe from the Pentagon, you haven't been looking at the bigger, more rational picture.

As a journalist I become ill every time I see the laughably compliant American media parroting the U-S State Department's long-running narrative - that a nefarious, nuclear-armed Iranian regime will launch a bomb the moment is has the capability, inviting certain annihilation. It defies logic.

The Pentagon has used this same method with North Korea, Pakistan and Iraq. None of those countries has ever launched a nuclear strike. North Korea's Cult of Personality dictator is in no hurry to be blown to smithereens by launching a nuke. Pakistan and India may be at odds (gawd knows why), but neither is off kilter enough to let loose with a nuke. And even if Saddam Hussein's Iraq or Moammar Kaddafi's Libya had nuclear bombs, they would only do what others do once they have that capability - wield the power to fend off invasion and perhaps to suppress their own people, NOT to go attacking others. Check the record.

Lets look at a few FACTS.

Iran has signed the Non Proliferation Treaty on the use of nuclear weapons. Israel has not. Nuclear inspectors have never been allowed to do their work in Israel. The latest IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program is a virtual rehash of previously published information. The report only hints that Iran may be working on a weapon. No evidence whatsoever.

But let's pretend the American Military Complex is right. That Iran actually develops a weapon. So what's next? Invasion? More economic sanctions? No discussions? No adult conversations?

A telling sign of who really runs the United States was the sensible and pragmatic statement by then newly-elected President Barrack Obama declaring that the best way to deal with Iran was to sit down and talk. He was immediately berated and ridiculed by enough American hawks that the plan was shelved.

Sure, it may have been prudent for Ronald Reagan to talk with the USSR's Mikhail Gorbachev, or to have indirect talks with North Korea, but Iran? So why the difference? Because it does not fit the U-S Military Complex narrative - that Israel is good and Iran embodies all that is evil.

The same U-S media that is capable of delivering thorough investigative reporting allows this irrational State Department story to be spewed unchallenged. It's shameful.